Foreign Language Courses



English,French,German,Italian,Spanish,Arabic,Chinese,Dutch and Polish



We offer a wide range of classes our aim is to help you communicate and we take maximum of 20 students per class the classes tend to get full fast

In your own interest it is advisable to register a few days before the start of the session     

Level {1} {4 sessions}

At the end of this level you will be able to communicate with people and have basic working knowledge of the language

Level {2}{5 session}

A good working knowledge at the end of this level you will be able to communicate but also in your profession environment  

Level {3} {4 session}

Towards fluency you will have a good command of the language both speaking and written



In our premises or at your place we proved private classes tailored to your needs


Whatever your aim whatever your level we provide tailored made courses to suit your requirements


Exams are held at the end of levels 1,2,3,4 they are not compulsory but certainly very useful the exams comprises four parts written and comprehension oral and written expression



General French classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 4 months beginner

Level {2} 4months intermediate

Level {3} 4months advanced

We have morning, afternoon and evening classes the French classes takes a maximum of one hour thirty minutes. we are teaching 5 days a week Monday to Friday we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for student who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Sunday at any time private classes are designed for the specific needs of the student at Zanzibar Alliance Institute. at home or at office. all the French students must have the French text book & workbook that’s available in the office.



General German classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 4 months beginner

Level {2} 4months intermediate

Level {3} 4months advanced

We have morning, afternoon and evening classes the german classes takes a maximum of one hour. we are teaching 5 days a week Monday to Friday,  we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for students who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Sunday at any time, private classes are designed for the specific needs of the student at Zanzibar Alliance Institute at home or at office. all the German student must have the German text book & workbook  that is available in the office.



General Italian classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 3 months beginner

Level {2} 3months intermediate

Level {3} 3months advanced

We have morning,afternoon and evening classes the Italian classes takes a maximum of one hour and 30 minutes.  we are teaching 5 days  a week Monday to Friday,  we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for students who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Friday  at any time private classes are designed for the specific needs of the student at Zanzibar Alliance Institute at home or at office .all the Italian student must have the Italian text book &workbook that is available in the office



General Spanish classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 3 months beginner

Level {2} 3months intermediate

Level {3} 3months advanced

We have morning, afternoon and evening classes the spanish classes takes a maximum of one hour and 30 minutes. we are teaching 5 days a week Monday to Friday,  we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for students who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Friday  at any time private classes are designed for the specific needs of the students at Zanzibar Alliance Institute at home or at office.all the Spanish students must have the Spanish text book & workbook  that is available in the office.



General Chinese classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 4 months beginner

Level {2} 4months intermediate

Level {3} 4months advanced

We have morning,afternoon and evening classes the Chinese classes takes a maximum of one hour 30 minutes.we are teaching 5 days a week Monday to Friday,  we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for students who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Sunday at any time, private classes are designed for the specific needs of the students at Zanzibar Alliance Institute at home or at office. all the chinese students must have the Chinese text book &Workbook  that is available in the office.



General polish classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 4 months beginner

Level {2} 4months intermediate

Level {3} 4months advanced

We have morning,afternoon and evening classes the French classes takes a maximum of one hour and 30 minutes .we are teaching 5 days  a week Monday to Friday we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for student who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Sunday at any time private classes are designed for the specific needs of the students at Zanzibar Alliance Institute at home or at office.all the polish students must have the polish text book and work book  that is available in the office.



General Arabic classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for language

Level {1} 3 months beginner

Level {2} 3months intermediate

Level {3} 3months advanced

We have two Arabic classes A&B and every classes has a capacity of 20 students we are teaching 5 days a week Monday to Friday  we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for student who wish to progress faster Arabic class takes a maximum of one hour and 30 minutes



General Dutch classes 4 competences are developed reading, written, listening, watching and speaking according to the levels common European framework of reference for languages

Level {1} 4 months beginner

Level {2} 4months intermediate

Level {3} 4months advanced

We have morning, afternoon and evening classes the Dutch classes takes a maximum of one hour thirty minutes. we are teaching 5 days a week Monday to Friday we have special classes on Saturday and Sunday for student who wish to progress faster we offer them special classes  Saturday and Sunday at any time private classes are designed for the specific needs of the student at Zanzibar Alliance Institute. at home or at office. all the Dutch students must have the Dutch text book & workbook that’s available in the office.